Set between Episode II and III, The Clone Wars is the first computer animated Star Wars film. Anakin and Obi Wan must find out who kidnapped Jabba the Hutt’s son and return him safely. The Seperatists will try anything to stop them and ruin any chance of a diplomatic agreement between the Hutts and the Republic.
Original title Star Wars: The Clone Wars
IMDb Rating 5.9 60,819 votes
TMDb Rating 6 1,407 votes
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 4A-7 / Medical Droid (voice)
Captain Rex / Commander Cody / Commander Fox / Clone Troopers (voice)
Narrator / Yoda / Admiral Yularen (voice)
Asajj Ventress / Tee-C-Seventy (voice)
Chancellor Palpatine / Darth Sidious (voice)
Ziro the Hutt / General Loathsom / Kronos-327 (voice)
General Grievous / Battle Droids (voice)